Well, it's been a while people and, to steal from the great philosopher Garfield, it would take two of me to be more tired....but it's all been exciting, and there's a whole truck-load of things/ideas/event/interesting bits and bobs to blog:
- I spent a couple of days on an Ideathon. What's that, I hear you cry. Well, basically, it's a Unilever-sponsored CSR scheme that aims to use corporate brainpower rather than financial muscle to help charities. A charity brings a business problem, and a crack team work through the problem over a couple of days and then report back with their solutions/ideas. As part of said crack team, I have to say it was a fantastic experience, and, though I can't say which charity it was concerning (because then I would have to kill you ;0) ), I think what was presented back was remarkably coherent and robust. We shall see.
- The day before that, I'd also had my brain squeezed at the launch of Launchpad, the institution-creating wing of the Young Foundation. The theme for the brainstorm was the Olympics and health, and a good time was had by all, fuelled by energy bars and, in an appropriate sporting manner, half-time oranges. My superpowered group included Rowena Young, of the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship, and I'll be blogging the Skoll World Forum in due course.
- The Power Inquiry came back with its reviews on how to reinvigorate political debate and participation. Including lowering the vote to 16, which Gordon Brown appeared to back in a later article....
- And while we're on Gordon Brown, there have been calls for him to make his next budget a carbon budget....and if you feel passionately on that subject, you can take part in a community-computing grid-type effort from the BBC on climate change
- You can vote for the Designer of the Year here. Might I suggest Cameron Sinclair, for this reason.
- Check out the Formula One type green fuel cars
- See the Australian Ideas Festival
- And submit your own ideas to the Global Ideas Bank ;0)
Oh, go on... tell us which charity it was... we won't tell anyone...!!!
Posted by: albeo | March 08, 2006 at 12:55 AM
No can do. Taken a vow of monk-like silence....
Posted by: Nick Temple | March 08, 2006 at 09:00 AM