Hi all - just a brief reminder that it is INTERNATIONAL INTERNET-FREE DAY this Sunday. That's right: internet-free. Why? Well, it could be because you haven't seen your best friend or neighbour for three weeks; it could be you have RSI in your mouse arm; it could be you sent e-mails instead of birthday cards to your grandparents; it could be you're writing hundred word e-mails to the person on the desk next to you; or it could be that you've realised an RSS feed contains no vitamins and minerals....
And we're making it easy: it's a Sunday. You can't say fairer than that.... ;0)
Incidentally, in a bizarre twist of fate, the ISP Bulldog are backing the day. Maybe next year, we can get all the ISPs to simultaneously switch off all broadband connections.....or maybe not.
Remember: check your e-mail on Saturday, and log into the real world on Internet-Free Day.