Queuing up in the serpent-like labyrinth of my local post office, I picked up a copy of the Rough Guide to a Better World. I had read a bit of the press about the guide, which is a collaboration between the Rough Guides travel publishers and the Department for International Development in the UK, but hadn't realised it was being given away free in post offices up and down the country. Marvellous, and innovative. Are you sure this is the UK govt?
And it is (quite) marvellous. Ok, so you can line up some usual suspects (Bob Geldof, Chris Martin....er....Ronan Keating), but it's well put together, concise and impact-ful. More importantly, its focus is not on "information" but on "information to be put into action": information on how the average punter can amend their ways to make a difference.
Let's hope it does, otherwise people will say the £1 million should have been spent on making a better world, rather than on making a guide to making a better world. Certainly, it should reach a different crowd through being distributed in the way it is. You can also Download it as an e-book, read the whole thing online, or ask for a free one. Worth it for the resources sections alone....