As the latest UK Big Brother (no. 5) descends into drunken brawling, my attention turned to an idea submitted some time ago which would, in effect, try to create a Big Brother for adults....a reality TV show that stimulated thought and interest. Sounds dull, I know, but bear with me. The idea (here: Big Brother - 12 different religious or academic participants), by "G" from Oz, is as follows:
My suggestion is to change the selection criteria for the householders I have two different suggestions:
1 - twelve religious leaders (e.g. Catholic priest, Buddhist Monk, Prebyterian minister, Jehova's witness, hindu, muslim, pagan etc) and give them ethical or spiritual quandaries to solve as well as physical tasks. I think this would be terribly interesting although not very saucy for your average trogladite.
2 - My second idea is similar to the first however instead of religious leaders you put academics in: A counsellor, A genetic engineer (or some such), a historian, a sociologist, a lawyer, a medical doctor, a psychologist, bioethicist, a theologian etc) and give them similar quandaries to solve as well as physical tasks.
I think it would be a very interesting concept, not only to see what manner of ethical and spiritual leaps and bounds can be made from group discussion but also to see how representatives from different membership groups can act together to accomplish physical goals through team work.
Who knows if it would work, but even if the quandaries proved dull, they might still slag each other off behind their back.....